Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have decided to clean up the ranch in the terribly short time perioed before my De Anza summer class starts. Today was an excellent start:

- I mowed/weedwacked a large portion of weeds including the pool area, path up to the pool, space in front of the garage, etc.

- I cleaned the pool's filter after vacuuming junk off the deep-end floor yesterday. The filter enjoyed the process throughly. White is better than brown, eh?

- Nathan and I cleared a branch that fell across the driveway - always fun. Sadly, my Chainsaw would'nt start.. gotta work on that, cause there's another branch on a trail near our house.

Blogspot Frustration

Why Can't You Edit On Blogspot!! Patently Ridiculous! What if I wanted to delete a post or edit a post because of an egregious typo, yet was unable to? It would be horrible.

Stephanie: I will try to keep you entertained in the form of postage ;-)



michelle said...

oh my gosh! what are the odds, I hit the 'next blog' button and I found your blog, and I am in a Speech and Debate league and some of my colleges are at Nationals right now!!!! (I'm only novice, so maybe next year ;))
wow! I LOVE speech and debate a ton, so that's really awesome! I've heard the competition in Texas is rather fierce, here in Washington (state) it's not quite that bad. Sorry for being so random! check out my blog www.twolittleraindrops.blogspot.com

Stephanie said...

I'm glad you're cleaning out up there. Work is good for the mind.

You CAN edit. Go to your Dashboard and then hit "posts". From there you can select edit. You can delete, edit and change any post you have posted. You can also get there from "New Post". When you are in "New post" look to the top and you will see "Edit Posts". It will take you to the same place.

Toph said...

Chainsaws are fun. Summer school isn't.