Friday, July 3, 2009

New York, Day 0

Hi Everyone.

My Mom and I fly at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

A few prayer requests. 1) There has been a flu going around my house. I am now 1 one of the only 2 individuals here who has not gotten sick (the other is my Mom, thank God). Please pray that I make it though tonight and tomorrow 'til I'm OUT OF HERE - well, please. It would be really good to not have to be sick right before this trip, especially on a day when flying.
2) My right ear is currently clogged with earwax, which I did inadvertently when I was trying to CLEAN it with a Q-Tip yestreday. Today we were trying Hydrogen Peroxide to clean it out and got some, but it's still there. Please pray that somehow I may be able to have my full hearing back for when we play and whatnot.
Last, pray for our safety and the safety of about 25 other kids and multiple parents who will be flying over tomorrow. My mom and I have to find our way by train and subway to Manhattan from the JFK airport, pray that that goes smoothly.

All is packed, now time for sleep.
The Lord's will be done.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Pronouns in the Bible

My family has a friend named Brenna that loves church enough to go to two services every week - one on Saturday and Sunday. Brenna has a habit of capitalizing all the words in the the phrase "The Holy Bible, no matter where she uses it in her sentence.

I wish Bible translators were so emphatic about capitalizing 'God pronouns' whenever they come up as Brenna is about the Bible. My new ESV bible doesn't capitalize pronouns when referring to God. It seems like this is a trend among Bibles, and its a trend that I don't like.

This may be seen by some of you as a useless pet peeve, but I believe God deserves credit wherever He is mentioned. It also delineates who is being talked about.

The Israelites made sure to honor God in a similar way. When writing the word Yahweh, they omitted the vowels and wrote it as Yhwh. The abbreviation is known as the Tretragramaton.

Here's Wikipedia if you want more history :-)

God is Good - He is Righteous,


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Huckabee 08

The Home School Legal Defense Association has endorsed Mike Huckabee for President:

"We believe that Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas, should be elected the next President of the United States. Mike is a principled conservative, a friend of homeschooling, a man of character, and a man with a mature faith in Jesus Christ."

HSLDA highlighted Mr. Huckabee's strong character as well as his strong politics. Mr. Huckabee is opposed to the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child, a policy that Hillary Clinton is in favor of. HSLDA believes that a true conservative is needed to beat Hillary Clinton:

"Since 1976, no person running for president as a moderate Republican has ever won the election....
- Ford and Dole--both moderates-- lost in 1976 and 1996.
- Reagan, a clear conservative, won landslides in 1980 and 1984.
- George H.W. Bush portrayed himself as a Reagan man in 1988 and won. But as president he violated his famous "read my lips-- no new taxes" pledge, and was defeated in 1992 when it had become clear to America that he was a moderate.
- George W. Bush ran as a conservative and was elected in 2000 and 2004."
... Moderate Republicans simply cannot win the presidency."

Mr. Huckabee certainly has the credentials of a conservative:

"He believes and is willing to say that Islamic extremism needs to be understood as a theologically driven threat. He believes that America must be strong, but should never be perceived as a bully. He believes that our borders must be secured not only from illegal immigration but from the growing trend among American judges of 'illegally importing' international law into our American judicial systems."

He's also funny. My brother Adam and I both agreed on this point after watching portions of the GOP debates. He got a chorus of laughter for his comment that "We've had a Congress that's spent money like John Edwards at a Beauty shop."

At this point, I am definitely going to vote for Mike Huckabee in the Republican primaries.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have decided to clean up the ranch in the terribly short time perioed before my De Anza summer class starts. Today was an excellent start:

- I mowed/weedwacked a large portion of weeds including the pool area, path up to the pool, space in front of the garage, etc.

- I cleaned the pool's filter after vacuuming junk off the deep-end floor yesterday. The filter enjoyed the process throughly. White is better than brown, eh?

- Nathan and I cleared a branch that fell across the driveway - always fun. Sadly, my Chainsaw would'nt start.. gotta work on that, cause there's another branch on a trail near our house.

Blogspot Frustration

Why Can't You Edit On Blogspot!! Patently Ridiculous! What if I wanted to delete a post or edit a post because of an egregious typo, yet was unable to? It would be horrible.

Stephanie: I will try to keep you entertained in the form of postage ;-)


Monday, June 18, 2007



Shiloh, Jared, my Dad and I just returned from Belton Texas, where we attended the annual National Championship of our speech and debate league. It was excellent fun.

Jared and I are going to take a Chemistry class together at De Anza this summer. We have just over two weeks to enjoy being done with school. Ouch. :-)


I believe I have conquered the intricacies of Blogspot, or at least the obvious necessities. It is yet to be seen how much I will post.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007


How do you add links to the side of the blog?



Wow. Blogger is so much harder to use than xanga. No offense.. its just the truth.

And this may be a good thing. We'll see ;-)